Sturm College of Law

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As an entering 1L, you already know how to succeed academically, and are constantly receiving advice on how to ace your classes. However, there is minimal advice on how to manage law school with your life. Everyone talks about the work-life balance, but what about the school-life balance?

Here are some tips to achieve a healthy, active, and

corcoran-headshotGreat advice here on developing “pitches” vs. custom proposals.

Clients don’t like to be “pitched”.  Nobody does.

Instead, focus your time and energy on understanding their needs and preferences, and develop a custom proposal that offers valuable help.  Read Tim Corcoran’s blog post here.

Image 1-3-17 at 10.27 AMThe legal profession, marketing technology, and clients’ buying habits are changing dramatically. Lawyers need to think differently about marketing, lead generation, big data, project delivery and leadership. Here are 10 things that should be on your radar, starting now.

1. Data-driven business development. At the 2016 Legal Marketing Association Technology Conference, JD Supra’s Adrian